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Adaptable SLA

Adaptable SLA

Seeking to meet critical operations, Khomp created different types of SLA (Service Level Agreement), with service times varied according to the customer’s needs. This adaptation guarantees system restoration and adequate support given severity levels.

Experience has shown us that offering an adaptable SLA is interesting, especially in operations where demands can vary considerably in seasonal periods, system changes and, of course, unforeseen emergencies. For all these situations, Khomp is prepared!

Whether it is service or restoration time, it is the time elapsed between the ticket being registered with Khomp Technical Support and the moment a Support Engineer is assigned to analyze it.


Standard mode

Standard mode

LevelSeverityService time
UrgentCriticism4 hours
High Majority8 hours
NormalMinotiry16 hours
LowMinotiry24 hours
Advanced SLA Modality

Advanced SLA Modality

LevelSeverityService TimeRestoration time
Objective Agreement Objective Agreement
UrgentCriticism30 minutes -4 hours >=90% severity
HighMajority4 hours -9 hours >=90% severity